
Pay By PayPal
The Advantages of Paypal Payment
PayPal is a secure and trustworthy payment processing service which allows you to purchase on our site.
1. Safe: No need to share your financial information online by using PayPal. And the money can get back if something bad happens.
2. Quick and easy: Pay quickly without getting out your wallet or typing your card details into different sites. All you need is your email address for quick, easy payment.
3. Everywhere: PayPal is accepted at thousands of websites, from leading brands to small independent retailers. So no matter where your shop is, PayPal can work stilly.
4. As for the additional international fees, generally speaking the situation rare happens. But if the fees do required, customers need to pay for it. Hope for your understanding.

We want to remind all customers that they are responsible for any local handling fees and intermediary bank handling fees. Therefore, customers should confirm total payment amounts with their local bank. If we have received your payment, we will give you an e-mail to confirm. So after you pay successfully, don’t forget to check your email.

What payment options do you offer?
Payment Via PayPal
When will my PayPal be billed?
Soon after you pay for your item, it will be billed.How long does this normally take?
After the payment, PP page will be immediately displayed transaction records, you can search by log in your personal accounts.